• Journey to Success

    Refreshing the Screen of my Life…

    Has your computer crashed and the only thing you could do was restart/refresh your screen? My life is at a point where the refresh is necessary for the development of a whole person. Multiple traumas throughout my life have created a journey that caused me to constantly reassess my reason/reasons for being. It has caused great discomfort with who I am as a person. Why it has caused me so much stress is beyond my understanding. I think there are people who never question why they are who they are and how they became that person…but I do (question myself) constantly. What makes a person so hyper-focused on how they…

  • Art

    Book #4

    Well, they may not be very popular, but I am committed! I believe there is a market for these coloring books, I just haven’t found it yet. I have said multiple times I am not very good at self promotion, you have to believe in yourself to sell yourself. If this is my problem then I may have to get someone else to do the marketing for me…more than one way to skin a cat, not that I want to skin a cat! Fins, Fur, Shells and Wings Galore: A fantastical coloring book By Cindee Lou Henderson Of course, the book can be found on Amazon. search by title or…

  • Journey to Success

    Realizing my lifelong dream…

    I am a college freshman. AT 61! I know it sounds crazy, but my life took so many turns that college was just not an option. Until now. I am an administrative assistant, who is also responsible for creating menus for customers. I do not have the title of menu specialist, even though it is a legitimate job title. I have been up against predetermined predjudice regarding my design work…all because I do not have the degree to back up the work. At least that is my belief…it is said when suggesting that a menu be created or re-worked the general consensus is to “go to a REAL graphic artist”.…

  • Art

    The school crests are completed…so excited!

    My first public art project. This was a ton of fun to be a part of. My daughter is a teacher in a brand new elementary school. They made the decision to follow Ron Clark’s model and implement a class house system. They needed house crests designed and they asked me to create them. Based on their design needs I came up with 4 house crests and 1 school crest that incorporated all the houses into one. I never thought I would have such a public presence for any of my art work. It is very exciting to say the least that when my grandson will go to that school…

  • Art

    The Uncomfortable Side of Art

    I can create all the artistic products i want to create, or can create, but if I cannot sell them then the pursuit of success fails. Most people I know are either good at creatively thinking and executing and the rest are good at selling. I am not good at selling. I really believe it is a confidence issue, I am not confident anyone will want to buy what I am selling. I try to do the litmus test- “would I buy this”- of course I would I created it. But in essence I truly believe you have to be in sync with people in general to know what they…

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