The school crests are completed…so excited!
My first public art project. This was a ton of fun to be a part of. My daughter is a teacher in a brand new elementary school. They made the decision to follow Ron Clark’s model and implement a class house system. They needed house crests designed and they asked me to create them. Based on their design needs I came up with 4 house crests and 1 school crest that incorporated all the houses into one. I never thought I would have such a public presence for any of my art work. It is very exciting to say the least that when my grandson will go to that school he will know that his Grammy created those crests. They are a new school campus so I gladly donated my time to this project, but I got a payment I wasn’t expecting in the form of VIP front row seats to any of the grandsons school functions for my life. WOW. JUST WOW. Here are the crests I designed.

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